Sky co-founder Rune Christensen announced on the X platform that the total supply of USDS exceeded 6 billion.
Sky 联合创始人 Rune Christensen 表示,将在 2025 年投入更多精力将 MKR 全面迁移到 SKY,部分原因是为了帮助消除围绕 MKR 与 SKY 的混淆。 Christensen 称,这不会让 MKR 持有者的资金面临风险,“即将出台的新提案将迁移作为一项要求,以便从代币中获得可用性。” 其表示,有关 MKR 向 SKY 迁移和转换的更新和更多细节将在 2025 年某个时候公布。 “我们的目...
Sky(原MakerDAO)创始人Rune Christensen在社交媒体发文表示,特朗普胜选将推动DeFi的真正持续复兴,用户数量增加10倍的可能性会大大增加,因为与加密领域的其他方面相比,DeFi从美国监管的不确定性减少中受益最大。
On October 31st, Sky (formerly MakerDAO) founder Rune Christensen posted that it is planning to make an additional proposal to change the core token (whether the result is MKR or SKY) to a strict deflationary token economics. Under normal circumstances, no tokens will be issued, and as the destruction engine permanently removes the tokens from circulation, the total supply will only decrease over time. The only exception is the situation of a shortage of collateral, which would put USDS and DAI ...
10月31日消息,Sky(原 MakerDAO)创始人 Rune Christensen 发文称,正计划提出附加提案,将核心代币(无论结果是 MKR 还是 SKY)更改为严格的通缩代币经济学。在正常情况下将不再发行代币,并且随着销毁引擎永久地将代币从流通中移除,总供应量只会随着时间的推移而下降。唯一的例外是抵押品短缺的情况,这会导致 USDS 和 DAI 面临破产风险。这是原始的 MKR 代...
Rune Christensen, founder of Sky (formerly MakerDAO), posted on the X platform that he plans to draft an Atlas Edit proposal based on feedback from the community, which will have multiple voting options to choose from. Current options include: continue to use Sky as the core brand, refocus the Maker brand with the original brand perception, and refocus the Maker brand with an updated brand perception. It is reported that the proposal will be voted on starting from October 28, and if approved, it...
Sky(原 MakerDAO)创始人 Rune Christensen 在 X 平台发文称拟在社区的反馈下起草一个 Atlas Edit 提案,该提案将设置多个投票选项供选择。目前的选项包括:继续以 Sky 作为核心品牌、以原有品牌形象重新聚焦 Maker 品牌、以更新的品牌形象重新聚焦 Maker 品牌。 据悉,该提案将从 10 月 28 日开始进行投票,如果获得批准,投票将从 11 月 4 日当周开始进行多项选择的投票。
On September 19, Sky (formerly MakerDAO) founder Rune Christensen said in a post on X that the supply of USDS exceeded 200 million pieces 18 hours after its launch. Its main use case is SKY token reward.
9月19日消息,Sky(原 MakerDAO)创始人 Rune Christensen 于 X 发文表示,USDS 在推出 18 小时后供应量突破 2 亿枚。其最主要用例为 SKY 代币奖励。
Sky (formerly MakerDAO) founder Rune Christensen said that Chronicle Points, the original oracle that powered Maker for the past seven years, has now been spun off and is available to eligible users.
Sky(原 MakerDAO)创始人 Rune Christensen 表示,过去 7 年为 Maker 提供支持的原始预言机 Chronicle Points 现已分拆出来,可供符合条件的用户使用。
MakerDAO founder Rune Christensen responded to the discussion that "the DAI is adding a freeze function". Christensen said that in fact the new protocol will not have a freeze function at launch, but only an upgrade ability. This means that future governance can decide how to implement a freeze-like mechanism based on all data considerations to protect against various risk factors as much as possible.
MakerDAO 创始人 Rune Christensen 回应关于“DAI 正在添加冻结功能”的讨论,Christensen 表示,实际上新协议在启动时不会有冻结功能,只会有升级能力。这意味着未来的治理可以根据所有数据的考虑来决定如何实施类似冻结功能的机制,以尽可能地防范各种风险因素。
On July 17th, Rune Christensen, founder of MakerDAO, said on the social platform that MakerDAO has launched the NewGovToken activation function. When the Spark sub-DAO is launched, NewGovToken holders will be able to activate their NewGovToken to receive SPK rewards. NewGovToken activators will receive 15% of all SPK token rewards. NewGovToken can be obtained by pressing the MKR at a ratio of 1:24,000, and will be launched soon after the launch of Endgame. There is no lock-up period or additiona...